Our leadership philosophy relates to the person, their attitude, their motives, their emotions and key behavioural skills in collaboration and leadership, such as influencing, empowering and inspiring others to achieve common goals, proactively shaping change as a team and developing individual and team-related potential in the best possible way. We recognise outstanding leaders who combine these qualities with the ILD Leadership Award.
In our many years of international management experience in various industries and sectors, we have realised time and again how difficult leadership is and how important human expertise is, not technical expertise. For example, that curiosity, (dis)courage, empathy, the use and management of emotions, dealing with uncertainty and conflict, genuine interest in others, authentic behaviour, clarity in communication and consistency in action make an immense difference in cooperation and leadership. We would like to support this attitude and this leadership style with the ILD Leadership Award.
The ILD Leadership Award goes to managers who face the challenges of leadership on a daily basis, reflect on themselves, seek feedback and support, and thus continuously develop themselves further. It is not about outstanding leadership – it would be presumptuous to judge that. Nor is it about the line manager praising this manager. It’s about how the entire environment perceives leadership behaviour, it’s about leaders who are not 1:1 interchangeable, but who radiate something with respect and appreciation, make a difference and achieve something, overcome obstacles, pave the way for others, shape and influence transformations, teams and cultures.