Sound decisions need a solid foundation.

How do you know if someone really fits into the company? How can real teamwork and leadership skills be proven in the application process? Evaluation with ILD shows how you can answer important personnel questions reliably and future-proof.

  • Profiling and skills-based analysis for the correct assessment of applicants (external & internal).

  • Individual counselling: We clarify all details in a joint initial meeting.

Analysis as the key to success.

Analysing personal, role-related and cultural suitability is just as important for successful personnel decisions as matching with the future team. Evaluation with ILD creates the effective basis for a systemic and appreciative selection of applicants. The combination of interdisciplinary expertise and scientific and proven tools enables a well-founded decision-making process: we look at attitudes, motives and emotions and diagnose behaviour-related key competencies of cooperation and leadership.

Modules for individual evaluation.

With flexibly combinable tools, a custom-fit package is created for your specific evaluation needs.

  • Requirements and competence analyses
  • References and justification analysis
  • Analysis of existing assessments
  • Implementation of 4Cs profiling
  • Self-representation and change justification
  • Biographical interview
  • Semi-structured expert interviews
  • Change of perspective and active listening
  • Role simulations and case studies
  • Assessment team and culture matching

ILD Leadership Evaluation – Assessment or Development Center

We use our Leadership Evaluation to fill key positions. It is a competence-based and role-related selection or development assessment using scientifically standardised test diagnostics to assess the candidate’s best possible suitability in matching with
  • the role or requirement profile
  • the team integration
  • and the organisational culture.

Goal: Candidate evaluation when filling key positions

Depending on the assignment, the aim is to check the candidate’s self-concept, self-reflection and proactive attitudes as well as key leadership competences such as communication and conflict skills, emotional management and empathy, change and empowerment skills.

The focus of the leadership evaluation for internal candidates is on determining their current position and providing targeted competence-related development support. The results should also be seen as an additional source of assessment for orientation and decision-making alongside performance appraisals and target agreements.

In the case of the assessment of external candidates, the focus is naturally on aptitude and competency-based selection. Respectful feedback with development impulses is also a natural part of our evaluation philosophy for this target group of external candidates.

The fine-tuning of the company-related concept is done in advance with the client.

Clarity, effectiveness & appreciation

Our philosophy is to give detailed, clear feedback to the candidates invited after a substantial pre-selection, who have shown commitment in the EvaluationHours. The perceived attitude, the management of emotions, the profiles in key competences, the impact in simulations, possible learning areas and existing potentials are the focus here. In this way, we manage to generate added value for the candidates independently of any decision. This is done equally with internal as well as external candidates.

Our philosophy is highly appreciated by all our clients and equally by the candidates. Especially in this day and age, appreciation is of particular importance to us. In addition, the substantial feedback to the candidates is also a positive “business card” for the client.

  • “My board colleague Daniel Mohaupt and I have once again worked with the professionals from ILD on their professional selection process for filling 2 important key leadership positions. 5 candidates learned a lot about themselves in an assessment centre and showed us a lot about themselves. They felt very comfortable in the process. We ourselves, were very convinced by the methods and profiling of ILD EvaluationHours. We were also able to get a very good picture of each individual applicant, both internal and external, and make a good decision. Thanks to ILD (Frank Strathus, Arndt Kempen, Kirsten Strathus), we can only recommend both your methods for personnel selection and the profilings!”

    Grit Westermann | Chairwoman of the Board, PSD Bank

  • “The most impressive thing about the 4Cs method is the justified conflict focus and the combination of scientific standardization with high practical relevance, which enables a fast and effective behavioral change. ILD has been highly professional in guiding us in this. Thank you.”

    Walter Schaff | Director HR Europe, Daimler Financial Services

  • “As part of our global ‘Conflict Resolution and Mediation Conference’, Frank and Stefan held a very well received best practice session. Due to the close cooperation we could state: a really good investment in our knowledge. ILD is on the cutting edge as a leading Leadership Institute.”

    Kelly Kirschner | Vice President and Dean of Executive and Continuing Education at Eckerd College, Florida/USA

  • „At first I was skeptical and attended the first appointment more out of curiosity. But views that I was actually comfortable with began to waver, while on other issues I was encouraged to continue on the path I had chosen. There are statements from my coach that I won’t soon forget and that I continue to use as a guide today.”

    Dr. Bärbel Wernicke | DIN Head of LUW (Leben und Umwelt/Living and Environment)

Cur­i­ous now?

If you would like to learn more about our offer or have a spe­­ci­f­ic in­­­quiry, please send us a mes­sage.

Your direct contact:

Arndt Kempen, Frank Strathus