tracks4me: We bring talent to shine!

tracks4me® supports you in finding the right career direction, regardless of where you are in life. At a time when the choice of training courses, degree programmes and professions seems almost limitless, clear orientation is of crucial importance. Our method offers you the opportunity to explore and identify the best career paths for you. Regardless of whether you are just finishing school, are already in professional life or are looking for a new career direction – with tracks4me® you can lay the foundations for a fulfilling and purposeful career.

  • Future planning of professional orientation.

  • Individual offer: We clarify all details in a joint initial meeting.

Which future suits me?

The basis for this is the Birkman Method®️. This is a scientifically standardized test diagnostic. It is characterized by matching a person’s strengths and behavior with underlying needs. The Birkman analysis is a proven aid for professional and personal development by exploiting one’s own potential.

tracks4me – career guidance for young and old.

Which subjects do I have a heart for? What am I good at? What makes sense for me? Which environment suits me best? Why doesn’t my job fulfil me? What causes me stress? What else is inside me? In which industry, which job and which organisation can I better develop my potential?

Who can benefit from this?

  • You are a pupil or high school graduate who is about to make a decision about training, career or studies.
  • You are a student who is about to start your career or is looking for clarity regarding the focus of your studies.
  • You are a young professional who is about to make further education and career decisions
  • You are a parent who wants to support your children in their future decisions
  • You are a young professional or manager
  • You are a career changer, re-entry or career changer
  • Schools and institutions that want to support pupils in their career choices. * Companies that want to support their young employees or talents in their development and in setting the right professional course.

Initial interview – price per interview: € 50.00 (incl. VAT)

Start with getting to know each other and decide afterwards. Subsequent settlement when booking the basic coaching.

What does a possible process look like (basic coaching)?

L* ife plan analysis – systemic interview
  • Detailed picture of your wishes, strengths and needs, but also dislikes and weaknesses. Possibly a review of my career so far
  • Test-based analysis and confirmation, correction and supplementation of your own findings
  • Self-portrayal
  • You learn to communicate and successfully convey your goals, strengths and needs
  • Training and career profiles
  • You know your optimal fields of application and can evaluate alternatives and offers with jointly developed criteria.
  • Action plan
  • You know the next steps and receive support from us in implementing them.
  • Application (optional on request; not included in basic coaching)
  • Support in developing a CV and in application coaching

Price per person (incl. VAT): € 1.090,- (basic coaching)

Individual Coaching

Personal one-on-one training with individual, content and schedule composition:
  • 2 × 3 h plus own preparation and follow-up.
  • Option: meeting with parents or employer
  • 3 hours of resume and application training
  • Dates on request

Group Coaching (only on request)

For families, friends, companies and educational institutions we offer individually adapted programs (e.g. small groups of 2 or 4 participants) as well as plenary events. For this purpose, important preconditions (e.g. with regard to confidentiality) and suitability of possible formats must be clarified together in advance.

Curi­ous now?

If you would like to learn more about our offer or have a spe­cif­ic in­quiry, please send us a mes­sage.

Your direct contact partner:

Kirsten Strathus